John Riddick

John Riddick worked for his entire career at the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh. He was an electrical engineer by training and worked on data acquisition systems for much of his career, being involved in the development of the GDAS system used by several observatories.

In his time since retirement he has worked tirelessly on the so-called INDIGO programme (see Borodin et al. (2011), Riddick et al. (2009, 2004)). This programme which involved Jean Rasson, Chris Turbitt and Simon Flower among others, has sought to improve the quality of geomagnetic data being measured at developing observatories through the donation of refurbished instruments whose performance outperforms the previouslyused instruments. John Riddick retired from a salaried position at BGS Edinburgh and since then the INDIGO programme has installed instruments at Chiripa Observatory (Costa Rica), Arti (Russia), Maputo and Nampula (Mozambique), Pelabuhan Ratu, Kupang, Tuntungan (Indonesia) and Karachi (Pakistan). He also installed instrumentation at Livingstone Island and Antarctica Miquel Torta et al. (2009) Marsal et al. (2009). He has helped with the development of instrumentation for ETH's observatories at Gan (Maldives) and performs the data processing and quality control for this installation.

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