Resolution No.14 (1967): The Active Sun Year (IASY)
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, considering the recommendations of the Geophysics Research Board of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, as transmitted by Dr. H. Friedman and of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, as transmitted by NV Pushkov, and further considering the desires of the IAGA Commissions IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII to participate in the formulation and conduct of cooperative international programs for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, supports the organisation of an international cooperative program for the Active Sun Years, 1968-1970 (IASY), to be organised under the general direction of the Inter-union Commission for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, urges the IUCSTP to complete a draft program for the IASY as soon as possible, offers the cooperation of its interested Associations in the preparation of the program, and recognises the need for a general meeting organised by IUSTP at an early date to permit the appropriate working groups to finalise the details of the IASY projects.