Resolution No.1 (1995): Low-latitude research programs
IAGA, recognising the success of observations made during the IEEY (International Equatorial Electrojet Year) project, 1991-1994, with the collaboration of member countries and support from ORSTOM, CEA, CETP, CNET/Telecom, French Ministry of Cooperation, University of Abidjan, PAIGH, and others, and noting IEEY's direct contribution to the basic understanding of electrodynamics in the Earth's environmental space, urges that related geomagnetic and aeronomic research programs be maintained or extended at low-latitude sites in the coming decades, with the continued support from member countries and sponsors concerned.
[CEA = Atomic Energy Commission; CETP = Center for Terrestrial and Planetary Environments; CNET = National Center for Telecommunications Study; ORSTOM = French Institute for the Development of Cooperation in Scientific Research; PAIGH = Pan-American Institute of Geography and History.]