Resolution No.2 (2003): 'International Year' and eGY initiatives

IAGA, noting

  • the achievements of the IGY in 1957 launched a dramatic advance in Geospace science and understanding,
  • that several International Year concepts are under discussion, including the International Heliophysical Year (IHY) and the International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE),
  • that the cutting edge science in IAGA depends on coordinated data characterising the global solar and terrestrial systems,


  • that it is central to IAGA's charter to promote international science by encouraging world-wide open access to real-time data, existing data bases, and digitised versions of analogue data,


  • the intent of CAWSES (Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System) and International Years' activities, and

urges that

  • such activities be coordinated to maximise their collective effectiveness under an overarching umbrella concept, and
  • data archival activities be emphasised under an electronic Geophysical Year (eGY) initiative and maintained thereafter to promote world-wide electronic access to data.
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