Resolution No. 3 (2019): Magnetotelluric survey data

The International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)

  • The importance of geoelectric field monitoring and forecasting for mitigation of geomagnetic hazards to ground-based technological conductors such as electrical power transmission networks
  • The potential societal impact of severe geoelectric fields on ground-based infrastructure
  • The challenges of long-term wide-spread direct monitoring of geoelectric fields


  • The critical importance of magnetotelluric data in indirect estimation of geoelectric fields from well-established geomagnetic field measurements including from geomagnetic observatories and variometer networks, and the added value of magnetotelluric data in imaging and understanding geophysical imprints


  • National magnetotelluric survey initiatives, and


  • Funding agencies to support continued acquisition of magnetotelluric survey data and efforts in historical magnetotelluric data recovery, and


  • Governments and the international magnetotelluric community to endorse open data sharing practices for magnetotelluric time series and data products, particularly magnetotelluric impedances and related transfer functions.
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