Meeting Sponsorship
For meeting/workshop organisers:
IAGA recognises that it is often difficult for students, young scientists and scientists in developing countries to find the resources to attend IAGA Scientific Assemblies. Regional meetings and workshops can help to increase the opportunities for involvement in the Association's activities and such meetings often focus on topic areas and provide excellent training. IAGA will consider supporting internationally attended regional and topical meetings. This support should be dedicated to enabling individuals to participate who wouldn't otherwise be able to, e.g. through direct travel support, accommodation or registration fee waiver. Scientists wishing to organise a meeting and requiring funding support should refer to the guidelines for applications for support for meetings and workshops. IAGA co-sponsorship of a meeting, even without funding, can be useful in levering local support and in advertising and attracting attendance. Deadlines for workshop support applications are end of May and November each year, for decisions to be taken by the IAGA EC in June and December.
How to Apply for IAGA Co-Sponsorship of Meetings and Workshops
It is expected that, generally, applications will be submitted about a year before the date of a meeting. The EC will evaluate and decide on the received proposals twice a year in June and December, with deadlines for submission being end of May and November. The following list summarises the information required in support of an application.
- Name of meeting, primary sponsors and other known co-sponsors.
- Venue and dates.
- Scientific focus of and objectives of the proposed meeting, and its relationship with IAGA.
- Estimated number of participants, abstracts and sessions.
- Level of support requested (in Euro) and how the money will be used.
- Additional information may be provided if appropriate, such as timeliness, the history of the meeting if it is one of a series, the expected number of national, regional and international participants, considerations given to the needs of young, disadvantaged, or under-represented scientists.
- Name and address of the person submitting the application and names and addresses of others on the Local Organising Committee.
- Additionally, the meeting organisers are required to submit a short report within two weeks after the date of the meeting. Parts of the report will be published in the annual IAGA Newsletter. A group photo from the event with permission to publish it in the annual Newsletter is appreciated. Note als that you are requested to acknowledge the IAGA support by using the IAGA logo on your workshop website, programme and similar.
Applications should be submitted to the Secretary-General.
Criteria for the amounts granted for individual events are relevance for IAGA scientific topics, number of participants and internationality. Note that in general the maximum amount per workshop currently is 3000 Euro, and that IAGA has more flexibility for workshop funding in even years than in odd years, when the main IAGA or IUGG assemblies take place and IAGA additionally sponsors registration waivers and travel grants for these events.