IAGA Privacy Policy

The protection of your data is important to the International Association for
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA). This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect from you and how we may use, store and share your information. We may change this privacy policy. If we do, we will post the amended privacy policy on the IAGA website so that you are always aware of what information we collect and how it may be used. This Privacy Policy was last modified on January 3, 2024.

Who we are

International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) is an international non-governmental scientific association that focuses on the study of terrestrial and planetary magnetism and space physics.

Secretary General: Dr. Monika Korte

GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
14473 Potsdam

Tel. +49 (0)331 6264 1268
Email: sg@iaga-aiga.org

What personal information the IAGA collects about you

When you interact with IAGA, for example by taking on a role within IAGA or by signing up to receive emails via a mailing list, IAGA receives and collects personal data about you. This personal data may include first name, last name, title, function within IAGA, (work) address, telephone number and e-mail address.

How the IAGA uses personal information

IAGA uses the information we receive from and collect about you from our Divisions, Working Groups or Commissions to keep in touch with the IAGA community, to inform you of important announcements, events and other relevant news, to provide you with information you have requested, or to communicate relevant information about IAGA projects, data, services and other updates. Depending on your role within IAGA, this personal data may be published on the IAGA website or in other IAGA publications (e.g. newsletters) if you consent to this. We will only keep your data for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Updating or deleting your personal information

The accuracy of your personal data is important to IAGA. You can change or delete your personal data by contacting the IAGA General Secretary (sg_iaga@iaga-aiga.org). To unsubscribe from the IAGA mailing list you can send an email to iaga_ms-off@gfz.de. Unsubscribing by email to the list will take effect immediately, a request to the Secretary General to unsubscribe from the mailing list may not take effect immediately.

Protecting personal information

IAGA uses security safeguards to ensure that your personal data is secure. Once we have received your data, we use appropriate procedures and security features to prevent unauthorized access to our database.

Requesting removal of content from IAGA online resources

You have a right to your privacy. We want to assure you that we take your privacy concerns into account. If you find any content that should be removed, please contact the Secretary General (sg@iaga-aiga.org). You can raise a complaint about how we process your personal data by contacting the same address.

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