IAGA in Sapporo - Executive Committee Appendix 1

(to the minutes of the three meetings of the IAGA Executive Committee)

International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

Agenda: IAGA Executive Committee Meetings in Sapporo

(The first meeting on Monday 30 June to start with a liaison meeting with the Division and Commission Leaders.)

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Matters arising from the Prague meeting
    1. IAGA representation in CMG
    2. Brochure
    3. Medals for long service
    4. IAGA and ISO
  3. Slate of candidates for the new EC. (Report by Gordon Rostoker)

  4. Report of the Finance Committee. (Report by Robert McPherron)

  5. IAGA accounts for 2002

  6. IAGA budgets for 2003-2005

  7. Resolutions committee

  8. Toulouse Assembly 2005

  9. IGY+50

  10. IAGA web-site

  11. IAGA News

  12. IAGA guides

  13. Medal for applications of IAGA sciences

  14. Young scientists' committee

  15. Reports from the Divisions/Commissions

  16. Reports on IAGA sponsored projects:

    1. Observatory Workshop at Hermanus

    2. Meeting on Mesospheric Clouds

    3. EMSEV activities

  17. IAGA sponsorship of future scientific activities:

    1. Vertical coupling in the atmosphere/ionosphere system

    2. Geomagnetic observatory workshop (Kakioka)

    3. Third IAGA/ICMA workshop on long term trends in the atmosphere

    4. Ninth meeting on paleo-, rock- and environmental magnetism

    5. Third SPARC General Assembly

    6. 35th COSPAR meeting

    7. Workshop to celebrate the Centenary of Ebro observatory


  19. 19. Any Other Business

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