IAGA Scientific Assemblies
IAGA holds an Ordinary General Assembly every 4 years in conjunction with each Ordinary General Assembly of IUGG. Between the Ordinary General Assemblies, IAGA holds a Scientific Assembly, often meeting with one of the other Associations of IUGG.
At the Assemblies, meetings called "Conferences of Delegates" are convened where reports on IAGA activities are given to the National Delegates, who take decisions on matters of IAGA scientific, administrative and financial policy, according to the voting rules set out in the IAGA Statutes and By-Laws. It is at the meetings of the Conference of Delegates that IAGA Resolutions are considered and Executive Committee members are elected. These meetings, usually held close to the start and the end of the Assemblies, are open to all scientists registered at the Assembly and all are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions.
Future Assemblies:
Past Assemblies
- IUGG 28th General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, July 11-20, 2023
- Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA-IASPEI 2021, Hyderabad, India, 22-27 August 2021
- IUGG XXVIIth General Assembly, Montreal (Canada), July 8-19, 2019.
- Abstracts from the IAPSO - IAMAS - IAGA Joint Assembly, Cape Town (South Africa), 27 August - 1 September 2017
List of past assemblies on a separate web page
Meeting sponsorship
Guide for speakers
Guide for speakers (PDF, 43kb) (Designed to help speakers at IAGA Assemblies prepare and give effective presentations)