IAGA News 2025
- Feb. 27, 2025: Check out our new information pdf flyer on how to get involved in IAGA activities.
IAGA News 2024
- Dec 18, 2024: IAGA Newsletter No. 61 issued. The new annual IAGA newsletter can be downloaded here.
- Dec 10, 2024: IGRF-14 released. The 14th generation of International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) was released on 11/19/2024.
- The upcoming IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Meeting 2025 will take place from August 31 to September 5, 2025 in Lisbon.
IAGA News 2023
- Dec 18, 2023: IAGA Newsletter No. 60 issued. The new annual IAGA newsletter can be downloaded here.
- Dec 07, 2023: Outreach project support - IAGA had opened a new opportunity of funding outreach activities. Details can be found here.
- Mai 05, 2023: IAGA Award Recipients 2023 - Early Career Awardees: Miroslav Hanzelka (Charles University, Prague) and Bram Vaes (Utrech University). Shen Kuo Medal for Interdisciplinary Achievements: Nils Olsen, DTU Copenhagen. The awards will be presented at the IAGA Ceremony at IUGG 2023, July 15, 15:30 – 17:00 with the Shen Kuo Medal Lecture “Earth’s magnetic field - From the core to the magnetosphere”
IAGA News 2022
- Decenber 22, 2022: IAGA Newsletter No. 59 issued. The new annual IAGA newsletter can be downloaded here.
- March 8, 2022: IAGA Statement on Ukraine: The IAGA joins its parent body, the International Science Council in expressing its deep dismay and concern regarding the Russian attack on Ukraine. Please find the full statements here: IAGA statement and ISC.
- February 2022: IAGA School presentations available. Several presentations from the 5th IAGA School are now publicly available in ERDA, the EarthRef.org digital archive. Use the search option with “IAGA School”.
IAGA News 2021
- Decenber, 21: IAGA Newsletter No. 58 issued. The new annual IAGA newsletter can be downloaded here.
- July, 20: New IAGA - IAPS collaboration. IAGA has established a formal collaboration with the International Association of Physics Students, IAPS, a student-run educational association which aims to encourage students in the academic and professional growth.
- March, 22: IAGA Awards. The following IAGA Awards for 2021 will be presented at the IAGA-IASPEI Joint Assembly:
- A IAGA Early Career Award will be given to Man Hua, Wuhan University, China
- The IAGA Long Service medal will be given to Natalia Sergeyava, Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics
- The Shen Kuo medal for interdisciplinary achievements will be given to Jay Johnson, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, USA
- March, 18: Topical workshops. The global corona pandemic has impeded several topical meetings that were planned in 2020. The following workshops have been postponed to 2022:
- March, 18: IAGA-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2021. The IAGA-IASPEI Joint Assembly will be held virtually on 22-27 August, hosted by the Indian National Science Academy. Abstract submission and registration are open, with abstract deadline 15 April. Please find more details on the meeting website.
- January, 04: IAGA Newsletter 57 (2020) published. The current IAGA Newsletter No. 57, informing about IAGA activities in the past year can be downloaded here.
IAGA News 2020
- December, 09: IAGA-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2021. The second circular for the Joint Assemly to be held 22-27 August, 2021 in Hyderabad is available.
- IAGA-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2021. The first circular for the Joint Assemly to be held 22-27 August, 2021 in Hyderabad is available. Applications for the 5th IAGA School are now being accepted, see details here.
- April, COVID-19 information. As everyone, the IAGA community is very concerned about the global corona virus situation. As health is of utmost concern and travel is expected to be impacted for several months to come, the following IAGA sponsored scientific workshops have been postponed or cancelled:
- The 25th EM Induction Workshop has been postponed to 2022.
- The 17th Castle Meeting has been postponed to 2022.
- The 9th VLF/ELF VERSIM Workshop has been postponed to November 21-25.
- The 8th HEPPA-SOLARIS has been postponed to June 2021.
- The 8th IAGA /ICMA/SCOSTEP Vertical coupling meeting has been cancelled.
- The XIX IAGA Geomagnetic Observatory Workshop has been postponed to 2021.
- January, 06: IGRF 13th Generation released. The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), 13th Generation describing the magnetic main field from 1900 to 2020 with extrapolation to 2025 has been released in December 2019. It is available from Working Group V-MOD.
- January, 06: IAGA News 2019 published. The 2019 Newsletter informing about IAGA activities in the past year can be downloaded here.
IAGA News 2019
- December: IAGA on Social Media. IAGA is now also present on social media. The sites can be found at the following locations:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAGAandAIGA/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/IAGA__AIGA
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iaga_aiga/
- December: IAGA Book published. On the occasion of the IUGG centennial IAGA published a book with Cambridge University Press providing a comprehensive overview of the IAGA fields of research, entitled "Geomagnetism, Aeronomy and Space Weather - A Journey from Earth's Core to the Sun"
- July: New IAGA Officers elected. According to schedule a new IAGA leadership (Executive Committee, Division, Commission and Working Group leaders) were elected at the 27th IUGG General Assembly in Montreal in July. See About IAGA.
- July: New IAGA resolutions published.Four new IAGA resolution were adopted at the 27th IUGG General Assembly in Montreal in July. They are available here and will be published in the IAGA News 56 in December 2019.
- July: IAGA School 2019. The 4th IAGA School, held July 2-7 near Montreal, was attended by 20 international students. (Read the report here)
- March, 20: IAGA and INTERMAGNET express concern about cuts to the United States Geological Survey geomagnetic observatory network in this letter.
- February, 27: Swedish space pioneer Bengt Hultqvist has passed away
- IAGA Newsletter No.55 available.
- IUGG General Assembly in Montreal (Canada), July 8-19, 2019
- IAGA School 2019: The 4th IAGA School will be held before the IUGG General Assembly at the University of Montreal's Station de Biologie des Laurentides near Montreal, Quebec, Canada. See page Young Scientists for details. The application deadline has passed.
IAGA Shen Kuo Award for Interdisciplinary Achievements - Prof. Catherine Johnson for contributions intrinsically interdisciplinary, and targeted at holistic understanding of bodies throughout the solar system, especially with respect to the magnetic field of the planet Mercury, and the Earth’s magnetic field within the past five million years.
IAGA Long Service Medal - Martin Berg recognise his efforts continuously dedicated to produce the highest quality geomagnetic field data and your devoted work at the Dombås observatory for more than 35 years and to the full satisfaction of the science.
IAGA Young Scientist Award - Thomas Gonet, Deepak Kumar Karan, Kseniia Tlatova, Evgenii Shirokov
IAGA News 2018
- Eigil Friis-Christensen, IAGA president from 2007 to 2011, passed away on 21st September 2018 - The IAGA community has lost an outstanding scientist and a remarkable person. Obituary by Nils Olsen and Chris Finlay
- IAGA School 2019 - Applications can now be submitted to participate in the 4th IAGA School for early career scientists, that will be held in connection with IUGG General Assembly. See page Young Scientists for details.
- Next Assembly - IUGG General Assembly in Montreal (Canada), July 8-19, 2019