IAGA Reporter Reviews
IAGA Div III Reviews
2011 IUGG (Melbourne, Australia)
- Wave-Particle Interaction in the Inner Magnetosphere (pdf) by Jacob Bortnik
- Magnetospheres of Solar System Bodies other than Earth (pdf) by Emma Bunce
- Inner Magnetosphere (pdf) by Yusuke Ebihara
- Magnetopause and Boundary Layers (pdf) by Benoit Lavraud
- Magnetospheric ULF Waves (pdf) by Frederick Menk
- Auroral Phenomena (pdf) by Clare Watt
- Global Dynamics (pdf) by Mike Wiltberger
2009 IAGA (Sopron, Hungary)
- Inner Magnetosphere (pdf) by Yusuke Ebihara
- Auroral Phenomena (ppt) by Clare Watt
- Global Dynamics (pdf) by Mike Wiltberger