IAGA Schools

IAGA  Schools are organised in the week before the IAGA Scientific Assemblies and the IUGG General Assemblies with the aim of providing excellent early career scientists with a good basic understanding of a wide range of the scientific topics covered by IAGA. The IAGA sponsored participants include the recipients of the IAGA Young Scientist Awards, and a number of PhD students or young Post-Docs who are selected from nominations by the IAGA Divisions and Working Groups. Geographical and gender diversity are additional criteria for the choice of students as well as scientific excellence. Lectures on a broad range of IAGA topics are given by distinguished international experts in the fields, with accompanying practical sessions. See the links below for lists of topics and lecturers of previous schools.

IAGA School 2025

The 7th IAGA School will be held from August 25 – 30 2025 in Lisbon, Portugal, just before the Joint IAGA-IASPEI Assembly (August 31 – September 5). It aims at providing excellent early career scientists (mainly PhD students) with a good basic understanding of a wide range of the scientific topics covered by IAGA, the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. The IAGA School consists of lectures accompanied by practical exercises, presented by international experts in the fields.

About 20 PhD students will be sponsored by IAGA for accommodation and cost of living. As it is expected that participants will also attend the Joint IAGA-IASPEI Assembly they are expected to cover travel costs to Lisbon, Portugal, themselves.

How to apply:

The application deadline for the 7th IAGA School has passed and the available places have been filled.


Postgraduate (PhD) student at the time of application or having completed a Masters or PhD within the year 2024.


Past IAGA Schools

6th IAGA School, July 7 - 11, 2023, Niemegk (Germany)

The 6th IAGA School was held from July 7 - 11, 2023, at the Niemegk Geomagnetic Observatory of the GFZ, German Research Centre of Geosciences near Potsdam and Berlin, Germany. It was attended by 25 students from 15 countries.

Lecture recordings are available on Youtube and materials on Zenodo

5th IAGA School, August 16-20, 2021, Hyderabad (India, virtual)

Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the 5th IAGA School was held in virtual form, hosted by NGRI Hyderabad, India. It was attended by 34 students from 19 countries.

4th IAGA School, July 3 to 7, 2019, Province of Quebec (Canada)

The 4th IAGA School was held from July 3 - 7, 2019 at the University of Montreal's Station de biologie des Laurentides near Montreal, Quebec, Canada, It was attended by 20 students from 11 countries.

3rd IAGA School, August 2017, Hermanus (South Africa)

The third IAGA School was held from August 20 - 26, 2017. It was hosted by SANSA Space Science and attended by 19 students from 15 countries.

2nd IAGA School, June 2015, Praque (Czech Republic)

The second IAGA School was held from June 15 to 21, 2015. It was attended by 22 students of 13 nationalities from 14 countries.

1st IAGA School, August 2013, Merida (Mexico)

The first IAGA School was held from August 20 to 25, 2013. It was attended by 20 students of 14 nationalities from 11 countries.

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