Guidelines for Nominations
The deadline for all nominations is December 31st of the year before an IAGA Scientific Assembly or an IUGG General Assembly.
IAGA Early Career Presentation Award
Local organizers of topical meetings sponsored by IAGA are invited to nominate one early-career scientist for the award. It is highly recommended that the Local Organising Committee establishes a small independent committee of 3-5 recognized scientists attending the meeting (considering gender balance, geographical distribution and possible conflict of interest), who will evaluate the presentations and overall performance of eligible participants. Oral and poster presentations should be treated equally. Presentations by eligible participants should be clearly marked, e.g. as "Student Presentation". After the meeting, the local organizers submit their nomination to the IAGA Secretary General along with the report from the meeting.
The nomination should consist of
- a nomination letter giving the topic of research presented by the nominee and explaining why the nominee deserves this recognition (maximum 1 page)
- CV of the nominee (maximum 1 page)
IAGA Long Service Medal
The nomination has to be sent to the IAGA Secretary General and should consist of
- a nomination letter detailing what kind of service the nominee provided to IAGA and why he/she deserves this recognition (maximum 2 pages)
- a supporting letter from an active IAGA officer (WG, Division or Commission Chair or Co-Chair; maximum 1 page)
- CV of the nominee (maximum 2 pages)
IAGA Shen Kuo Award
The nomination should make clear that the candidate is a highly respected, internationally recognized scientist with significant contributions to advancements of IAGA sciences. It has to be sent to the IAGA Secretary General and should consist of
- a nomination letter that summarizes the research activities of the candidate, emphasizes their interdisciplinary character, and highlights the impact of the nominee's activities across the fields of research (maximum 2 pages)
- CV of the nominee (maximum 3 pages)
- list of selected / relevant publications (maximum 1 page)
- supporting letters from the IAGA Divisions / Commissions / Working Groups that jointly propose the nominee (maximum 3 letters of maximum 1 page each)
- supporting letters from other nominating bodies if applicable (maximum 1 page each)