IAGA Executive Committee 2007-2011


Eigil Friis-Christensen

Mug shot of Eigil Friis-Christensen
National Space Institute
Technical University of Denmark
Juliane Maries Vej 30
DK 2100 Copenhagen
Tel: +45 3532 5707
Fax: +45 3536 2475

Secretary General

Mioara Mandea

Mug shot of Mioara Mandea
Université Paris Diderot

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Géophysique spatiale et planétaire
Case 7011- Bâtiment Lamarck
5 rue Thomas Mann
75013 Paris

E-mail: iaga_sg@gfz-potsdam.de
Tel: +33 1 57 27 84 93

Vice President

Kathryn Whaler

Mug shot of Kathryn Whaler
School of Geosciences
The Grant Institute
The University of Edinburgh
West Mains Road
Edinburgh, EH9 3JW
Scotland, UK
E-mail: Kathy.Whaler@ed.ac.uk
Tel: +44 131 650 4904



Mangalathayil Abdu

Mug shot of Dr Mangalathayil Abdu
INPE Divisao de Aeronomia
Av. dos Astronautas
1578 Sao Jose dos Campos SP 12245-970
E-mail: maabdu@dae.inpe.br
Tel: +55-12-2945-7149
Fax: +55-12-3945-6990

Daniel Baker

Mug shot of Daniel Baker
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Campus Box 590
University of Colorado
Boulder CO 80309
E-mail: daniel.baker@lasp.colorado.edu
Tel: +1-303-492-4509
Fax: +1-303-492-6444

T. Harinarayana

Mug shot of T. Harinarayana
National Geophysical Research Institute
Magnetotellurics Division
Room No. 231, Habsiguda, Uppal Road
Hyderabad - 500 007
E-mail: thari54@yahoo.com
Tel: +91-40-23434613
Fax: +91-40-27171564

Toshihiko Iyemori

Mug shot of Toshihiko Iyemori
Graduate School of Science
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8502
E-mail: iyemori@kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tel: +81-75-753-3949
Fax: +81-75-722-7884

William Liu

Mug shot of William Liu
Canadian Space Agency
6767 route de l'Aeroport
Quebec J3Y 8Y9
E-mail: William.liu@space.gc.ca
Tel: +1 (450) 926-4510
Fax: +1 (450) 926-4766

Eduard Petrovsky

Mug shot of Eduard Petrovsky
Institute of Geophysics
Acad. Sci. Czech Republic
Bocni II/1401
141 31 Prague 4
Czech Republic
E-mail: edp@ig.cas.cz
Tel: +420-267103333
ax: +420-267103332

Chi Wang

Mug shot of Chi Wang
Center for Space Science and Applied Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 NanErTiao ZhongGuanCun
P.O.Box 8701
China 100080
E-mail: cw@spaceweather.ac.cn
Tel: 86-10-62582763
Fax: 86-10-62558024

Past President

Charles Barton

Mug shot of Charles Barton
Research School of Earth Sciences
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
E-mail: cebarton@gmail.com or charles.barton@anu.edu.au
Tel: +61 2 6125 5514


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