IAGA Statutes 2007

(This version of IAGA Statutes and By-Laws were adopted on 06 July 2007, at the IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy)

Objectives | Administration | Finance | Voting | General | By-Laws 2007 | Glossary


I. Objectives, Structure and Membership of the Association Statute

1. Objectives of IAGA

The objectives of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (henceforth IAGA) are:

(a) to promote studies of the magnetism and aeronomy of the Earth and other bodies of the solar system and of the interplanetary medium and its interaction with these bodies where such studies have international interest;

(b) to encourage research in the above subjects by individual countries, institutions, or persons and to facilitate international co-ordination of such research;

(c) to provide an opportunity on an international basis for discussion and publication of the results of the research indicated above;

(d) to promote appropriate standardisations of observational programmes, data acquisition systems, data analysis, and publications.

Statute 2. Establishment of Component Bodies

To achieve its objectives, the Association may establish Component Bodies both within the Association and jointly with other Associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) or components of other Bodies of the International Council for Science

Statute 3. A Member Country of IAGA

A country that adheres to IUGG, as defined in the IUGG Statutes, is a Member Country of IAGA and may participate in IAGA activities. Paying Member Countries of IUGG, as defined in the IUGG statutes, are paying Member Countries of IAGA. Countries in Observer status or having Associate Membership of IUGG, as defined in the IUGG statutes, are non-paying Member Countries of IAGA.

Statute 4. An IAGA National Body

Each Member Country shall be represented by a single body, henceforth referred to as the IAGA National Body, established in that country by the body that adheres to IUGG.


II. Administration Statute

5. Assemblies of IAGA

5.1 An ordinary General Assembly of IAGA shall normally be held in conjunction with each ordinary General Assembly of IUGG.

5.2 The interval between the end of one ordinary General Assembly and the end of the next one is, for the purposes of the Statutes, termed one Period.

5.3 A Scientific Assembly of IAGA may be held between ordinary General Assemblies of IAGA, in accordance with IUGG By-Laws.

5.4 An extraordinary General Assembly of IAGA may be convened by the President in accordance with the By-Laws.

Statute 6. Delegates and Conferences of Delegates

6.1 The work of the Association shall be directed by Conferences of Delegates held at Assemblies of IAGA.

6.2 A Delegate is a scientist from a Member Country who is registered for an Assembly as a bona-fide scientific participant, or someone who has the agreement of the Secretary-General in consultation with the IAGA Executive Committee to attend and vote as a Delegate at a Conference of Delegates.

6.3 Among the Delegates from each Member Country, one shall be identified by the respective IAGA National Body as Chief Delegate for the purpose of casting that country's votes on administrative and financial matters as stipulated in Statutes 12, 13, and 14. A Chief Delegate may be represented in voting matters by another Delegate appointed in accordance with the By-Laws.

6.4 A Delegate may represent only one Member Country. A member of the Executive Committee (see Statute 7) may not be a Chief Delegate, except when that member is the only person in attendance from the country in question.

6.5 A Conference of Delegates shall be convened at least once during each Assembly of IAGA.

Statute 7. The Executive Committee

7.1 Responsibility for the direction of IAGA affairs between Conferences of Delegates shall rest with an Executive Committee of the Association, elected at a Conference of Delegates.

7.2 Decisions of the Executive Committee must be reported to a Conference of Delegates. Any decision or recommendation failing to receive simple majority support from a Conference of Delegates shall be referred to the Executive Committee for further study.

7.3 The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to administer the affairs of the Association in accordance with these Statutes and By-Laws and the decisions of a Conference of Delegates.

7.4 The Executive Committee may create Joint Bodies with other IUGG Associations and components of other ICSU Bodies to deal with topics of mutual interest, and may appoint appropriate leaders and IAGA representatives.

7.5 In its dealings with non-IUGG Bodies, the Executive Committee shall not commit the name of IUGG, or act on behalf of IUGG, unless prior approval has been secured from the IUGG Executive Committee.

7.6 The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice at each Assembly, and must meet at least once more between ordinary General Assemblies.

Statute 8. Membership of the Executive Committee

8.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, and seven additional Members. All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a Conference of Delegates as an administrative matter with voting as stipulated in Statutes 13 and 14.

8.2 The President shall be elected for one Period, and may not be re-elected to the same office. No person, other than the Secretary General, may serve in the same position for more than two Periods. A person who has already served for two Periods is not eligible for a lower position.

8.3 The retiring President (ex-officio) shall be entitled to attend Executive Committee meetings and participate in Committee business, but shall not vote or draw on IAGA funds to attend such meetings.

8.4 The Secretary-General shall be elected for eight years and may be re-elected for up to two successive four-year terms.

8.5 The election of the Executive Committee shall normally take place at a Conference of Delegates held at an ordinary General Assembly, with the exception of the Secretary-General who shall normally be elected at a Conference of Delegates held at a Scientific Assembly.

8.6 In the event of any vacancy occurring in the membership of the Executive Committee during a Period, the Executive Committee shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy until the next election. The eligibility for election of a person so appointed shall not be affected by such an appointment. If the vacancy is that of the Presidency, the Vice-President shall act as President.

Statute 9. Duties of Component Bodies

9.1 The duties of the Component Bodies within IAGA (see Statute 2) shall be to further the scientific objectives of IAGA through:(a) co-ordination of appropriate scientific research;

(b) organisation of scientific meetings;

(c) promotion of the exchange of information and data; and

(d) provision of advice to the Executive Committee on the formulation of policies to guide the scientific work of the Association.

9.2 The duties of the Component Bodies established jointly with other Associations of IUGG or other ICSU Bodies (see Statute 2) shall be to deal with and co-ordinate those scientific programmes and/or meetings that cover topics of mutual interest.


III. Finance Statute

10. Adoption of the budget

The Secretary-General shall prepare a budget estimate of receipts and expenditures for each half-Period and present this budget before the Executive Committee and a Conference of Delegates at the time of an Assembly. On receiving the approval of both the Executive Committee and a Conference of Delegates, the Secretary-General shall proceed with the disbursement of funds in accordance with that approved budget.

Statute 11. Finance Committee

11.1 A Finance Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee within six months after the opening of each ordinary General Assembly and shall normally serve for one Period.

11.2 No serving Executive Committee Member may be a member of the Finance Committee.

11.3 The Finance Committee shall examine the accounts and report the results of their examination for approval to the Executive Committee and to a Conference of Delegates.


IV. Voting Statute

12. Categories of Voting Matters

12.1 Prior to a vote by a conference of Delegates, the President shall decide whether the matter under consideration is scientific, administrative, or financial.

12.2 Matters that are partly scientific and partly administrative and do not involve matters of finance shall be classified as administrative matters.

12.3 The President’s ruling may be challenged only by the Chief Delegate of a Member Country. In the event of a challenge, the President’s ruling can be changed in accordance with a vote passed at the Conference of Delegates by a two-thirds majority of the Chief Delegates of paying Member Countries present.

Statute 13. Voting Rules

13.1 When a vote is taken on a scientific matter, each Delegate present at a conference of Delegates shall have one vote.

13.2 When a vote is taken on an administrative matter, voting shall be by paying Member Countries, each paying Member Country having one vote cast by its Chief Delegate, or that person’s representative in accordance with the By-Laws.

13.3 When a vote is taken on a financial matter, voting shall be by paying Member Countries, each paying Member Country having a number of votes equal to the number of its category of membership in IUGG. Such votes shall be cast by the Chief Delegate of each paying Member Country, or that person’s representative in accordance with the By-Laws.

13.4 Voting on administrative or financial matters may be conducted by correspondence (in accordance with the By-Laws) as an alternative to a vote taken at a Conference of Delegates.

Statute 14. Voting at Conferences of Delegates

14.1 Decisions taken by a vote at a Conference of Delegates shall be valid only if at least half of the Chief Delegates of paying Member Countries attending the Assembly are present or represented in accordance with the By-Laws.

14.2 Decisions of a Conference of Delegates shall be taken by a simple majority of the votes cast, except as otherwise specified in the Statutes. Simple or two–thirds majority shall be determined by the proportion of affirmative votes to the sum of the affirmative and negative votes, including correspondence votes by paying Member Countries on administrative and financial matters as specified in the By-Laws, and excluding abstentions. If a tie should occur, the decision shall rest with the President.


V. General Statute

15. Modification of the Statutes

15.1 Modifications to these Statutes shall come into force at the close of the General Assembly at which the modifications are adopted, or as otherwise decided by a Conference of Delegates.

15.2 These Statutes may only be modified with the approval of at least a two–thirds majority of Chief Delegates of paying Member Countries present at a Conference of Delegates held during a General Assembly, in accordance with Statutes 6, 13, and 14.

15.3 Only the IAGA National Body of a Member Country may propose a change to these Statutes. Any such proposal must reach the Secretary-General at least four months prior to the announced date of the General Assembly at which it is to be considered. The Secretary-General shall notify all IAGA National Bodies of any proposed change at least two months prior to the announced date of the General Assembly.

Statute 16. Modification of the By-Laws

A Conference of Delegates shall have the power to adopt By-Laws within the framework of the Statutes of the Association. These By-Laws may be adopted or modified by a simple majority vote of Chief Delegates of paying Member Countries present at a General Assembly, in accordance with Statutes 5, 13, and 14. Any modification of the By-Laws shall come into force at the close of the General Assembly at which they are approved unless otherwise decided by the Conference of Delegates.

Statute 17. Languages

The present Statutes have been prepared in the official languages of the IUGG. The English text shall take precedence if there is a question of interpretation.


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