IAGA Interdivisional Commission on Education and Outreach

The main goal of the ICEO is to simplify international cooperation. The international committee participates in the organization of the IAGA schools and is also a platform for all activities for international networking and cooperation of young scientists and/or for contacting a broad public. Social media appearances are also at home there. Moreover, the ICEO organizes GIFT workshops to spread first-hand scientific information to science teachers of secondary (and primary) schools.

EC Liaison Person

Dominika Niezabitowska


Barbara Leichter
GeoSphere Austria
Hohe Warte 38
Vienna 1190


Ashley Smith
School of Geosciences
University of Edinburgh

Sara Gasparini
Department of Physics and Technology
University of Bergen

Click here to see our collective notes on Nextcloud

WG ComNet

The aim of this group is to improve communication and networking across the wide breadth of IAGA, among other scientific organisations, and outward to the general public. We aim to promote the different types of work undertaken by IAGA scientists, display opportunities on our social media channels, generate short videos introducing our work to the general public, write easily understandable blog posts from a range of contributors, and assist with education and outreach activities. If you would like to either join the working group or promote your research/opportunities, please get in touch at socialmedia@iaga-aiga.org.  We are particularly interested in reaching out to early career scientists, anyone with a passion to promote the work of IAGA to the public and other scientists, and those from a wide range of backgrounds and subject interests.


EC Liaison Person:

Dominika Niezabitowska


Hannah F. Rogers
Institut des Sciences de la Terre
Université Grenoble Alpes
ISTerre - CS40700
38058 Grenoble Cedex 9


Shivangi Sharan
Blackett Laboratory
Department of Physics
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ

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